OPTASE® Omega Vision (60 capsules) has been manufactured using a specialised process to deliver a re-esterifi ed Triglyceride (rTG) form of Omega-3 fi sh oil which studies have shown to have higher bioavailability and better absorption than the Ethyl Ester form of Omega-3 oil.
The role of Omega 3 in MGD
Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids are essential to good health but cannot be synthesized by the body and so they must be obtained from the diet.
Both essential fatty acids (EFA) have a role in to play. Omega 6’s are pro-infl ammatory whereas Omega 3’s have anti-infl ammatory properties.
Omega Imbalance (excess Omega-6:Omega-3)
■ causes the meibum to become thick, viscous and infl amed6
■ causes the Meibomian Glands to become blocked6
■ prevents the production of the lipid layer6
Without the lipid layer, the aqueous layer evaporates, causing the ocular surface to become irritated (red, dry, scratchy, i.e. dry eye)