03 Dec VDU Risk Assessment Ireland
VDU Risk Assessment
In the past, there was some ambiguity over which employees were eligible for VDU (Visual Display Unit) risk assessment eye test as described in the EU directive 90/270 .
This Directive lays down minimum safety and health requirements for working with display screen equipment. The exact number of hours required to qualify was not detailed but simply “where an employee uses a VDU for a significant portion of their working day”.
In today’s world, that is almost the full working day for every employee irrespective of their industry. The onus falls to the employer to offer this service every 2 years.
Employers may opt for a full eye examination for their employees while other choose to meet their obligations with a VDU Risk Assessment.
Our onsite examination covers, in detail, the employees ability to perform at a near task i.e. using a VDU for extended periods. The following report highlights what we cover during each VDU screening.
VDU Report
Below is a flow chart, to detail the process we offer either on-site, where numbers permit, or within one of our nearby clinics. We issue each employee a report after these VDU risk assessment. We offer e-Vouchers to meet the standard to those that fail from €69 which includes a modern frame and their corrective lenses.
VDU Legislation
Employers are required to evaluate the health and safety at workstations of their employees, paying particular attention to eye sight.
All employees, who spend a significant amount of their day operating a VDU or other graphic screen display, are entitled to regular eye and eye sight tests carried out by a competent optometrist or doctor. This entitlement should be made known to the employee by the employer. It should be offered before starting work using a VDU, at regular intervals afterwards, and should the employee have any visual difficulties that may be computer related.
An eyesight test is interpreted as a person’s ability to see, while an eye test is an examination of the health of the eye. The employee is entitled to and must be offered both, they may opt to just have an eyesight ‘screening’.
Should the results of the tests reveal that the employee requires glasses solely and exclusively for VDU use, it is the employer’s responsibility to provide minimum requirement frames and lenses to the employee. If the employee already wears glasses to correct vision, and a routine change of lenses is required, this is not the responsibility of the employer.
Feel free to contact us if you need any further details or require VDU risk assessment for your staff. Call Don on 087 2482327 or our land line 01 808 9013
Alternatively email info@opticalrooms.com to detail your requirements. We offer very competitive rates for 50 employees +