21 Dec Virtual VDU Assessment
Posted at 10:12h
in Blog
hot topic. Home workstations vary dramatically, as well as the various locations
and devices used throughout the working day. There has been a rise in CVS
(Computer Vision Syndrome) and dry eye problems related to remote online
According to a Central Statistics Office report from the year 2000, remote
workers or teleworkers represented less than 4% of the workforce back then.
Times have drastically changed, the Behaviour and Attitudes survey for RTE
now estimates the homeworking figure at 42% and a European Foundation
2020 report now finds that home-only telework rates are as high as 47%.
Research carried out by the National University Galway and the Western
Development Commission has found that a majority of workers (83%) would
like to continue with remote working when the crisis has passed. This coincides
with the European Foundation’s finding that 78% of employees would like to
work from home at least occasionally.
Indeed, many large companies now plan to downsize office space with
abandonment of plans to rent space and cancellation of office leases, so even
though the vaccine offers the possibility of an end to the pandemic, it looks as if
remote working is here to stay.
In an effort to assist companies meet their duty of care in these challenging
times, we are delighted to offer a Virtual VDU assessment that has been adapted
to overcome the limitations of a remote assessment. Using this new method, we
can establish if an employee meets the standard to operate a VDU.
1. Duty of care fulfilment.
Virtual VDU screening is convenient, timely and allows companies to
fulfil their duty of care and offer it to staff in all regions and time zones.
With our online booking platform, staff can organise the screening at a
time that suits them.
Just to note we are a registered practicing optical company and are fully GDPR compliant.
Our virtual VDU assessment is offered in 10-minute one-
to-one appointments with the objective to establish if employees meets the
standard and are symptom free while using VDUs.
Employees with issues, symptoms of eyestrain or who have not had a full
eye exam in 2 years will be referred for a full eye test at their local
optician. We also offer the possibility of our remote glasses-
mounted ergonomics wearable should the issue appear to be with the
employee’s workstation set-up, or they are having postural issues.
2. Care and advice about Computer Vision Syndrome for
With more and more surveys, such as the ones previously mentioned,
indicating working from home is here to stay, we are cognisant of the
reports also highlighting the potential for an employee to overwork and
suffer from burnout.
Common ocular symptoms of Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS) or
Digital Eye Strain are:
blurred vision,
burning sensation,
eye redness,
lacrimation (tearing),
ocular pain or discomfort,
focusing problems,
diplopia (double vision)
dry eye symptoms and
Aside from extra-ocular complaints such as headaches, neck and
shoulder pains, CVS is experienced by 90% of computer users. The
reduced activity of blinking, environmental factors such as air
conditioners, winter, high temperature, decreased humidity, corneal
exposure due to higher gaze angle in desktop monitor viewing, aging
changes, female gender, untreated refractive errors, focusing inability, or
incorrect sitting posture can all contribute to the development of CVS.
In the ocular treatment of CVS, correction of any refractive errors, use of
occupational glasses, and treatment of dry eyes are often required.
Should this be deemed necessary, the appropriate recommendations will
be provided as to what is needed to meet the standard to operate a VDU.
During the consultation, we will make recommendations to each
employee about the optimum set up and usage of their screen.
VDU screening is often included in many corporate optical packages e.g. DeCare, VSP, EyeMed etc – this is a way to avail of this service which the company has already paid for.
If not covered by the corporate package, it is possible to carry out the exam regardless of location while still maintaining a single billing system, thereby saving the hassle of staff having to organise the screening with their local optician, paying for it and then sending the receipt to the accounts department for reimbursement. With our Virtual VDU screening, it is carried out in a swift manner without extra paperwork.
During a Virtual VDU Assessment we will carry out the following:
ocular history and symptoms
intermediate and near vision assessments for both eyes individually
contrast sensitivity, (i.e. the ability to see in low light levels)
colour vision
amplitude of accommodation
eye muscle movements (motility test)
depth perception test
Amsler grid for any near vision central field defects
While this is not a full eye examination it will fulfill a company’s duty of care and identity employees that need further attention.
Additionally, we make some ergonomics recommendations to the employees we deem at higher risk for CVS. After each virtual VDU assessment, we issue the employee a report confirming their ability/inability to meet the VDU standard.
We also send a 13-point recommendation list offering advice and guidance on VDU best practices.